01/01/08 to 31/12/08
Kilkenny County Council |
Kilkenny Borough Council |
Kilkenny total to be entered nationally |
CP: Community Participation (CP1 and CP2) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
CP1: Participation in local Youth Council/Comhairle na n-Óg scheme | |||||
- Total number of local schools and youth groups | 16 | 16 | 16 | ||
- Number of local schools and youth groups involved in the local Youth Council/Comhairle na n-Og scheme | 9 | 9 | 9 | ||
CP2: Groups Registered with the Community & Voluntary Forum. | |||||
- Number of groups registered with the Community & Voluntary Forum | 100 | 100 | |||
C: Corporate Issues (C1-C2) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
C1: Working Days lost to Sickness | |||||
- Number of working days lost to sickness absence through certified leave | 6627 | 6627 | 5584.5 | ||
- Number of working days lost to sickness absence through uncertified leave | 843 | 843 | 757.5 | ||
C2: Staff Training and Development | |||||
- Expenditure on Training and Development as a percentage of total payroll costs | 3.88 | 4.23 | |||
E: Environmental Services (E1- E9) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
Water: (E1- E2) | |||||
E1: Unaccounted For Water | |||||
- Total volume of water supplied (m3/per day) under the water supply schemes that the local authority is responsible for. |
32500 | ||||
- Volume of unaccounted for water (m3/per day) under the water supply schemes that the local authority is responsible for. |
20475 | ||||
E2: Drinking Water Analysis | |||||
- A. Percentage of drinking water analysis results in compliance with statutory requirements with regard to public schemes. |
- B. Percentage of drinking water analysis results in compliance with statutory requirements with regard to private schemes (where appropriate). |
Waste Management (E3 - E6) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
E3: Waste Segregation | |||||
- Total number of households provided with a waste collection service | 14796 | 424 | 15220 | 1000 | |
- Number of households provided with a segregated waste collection service for dry recyclables | 14796 | 424 | 15220 | 1000 | |
- Number of households provided with a segregated waste collection service for organics | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
E4: Household Waste Sent for Recycling | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
- Total tonnage of household waste collected from kerbside | 10243 | 634 | 10877 | ||
- Tonnage of household waste collected from kerbside, which is sent for recycling | 3150 | 246 | 3396 | 3511 | |
- Tonnage of household waste recycled, which arises from waste collected from recycling facilities (i.e. bring banks, civic amenity sites, transfer stations and other recycling facilities) |
2981 | 357 | 3338 | ||
E5: Household Waste Sent for Landfill | |||||
- Total tonnage of household waste collected | 10243 | 634 | 10877 | 15820 | |
- Tonnage of household waste which is sent to landfill | 6926 | 388 | 7314 | ||
E6: Recycling Facilities | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
- The total number of Bring Sites in the local authority area | 34 | 6 | 40 | 40 | |
- The total number of Civic Amenity Centres in the local authority area | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | |
- The number of Bring Sites for recycling glass | 34 | 6 | 40 | 40 | |
- The number of Civic Amenity Centres for recycling glass | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | |
- The number of Bring Sites for recycling cans | 34 | 5 | 39 | 40 | |
- The number of Civic Amenity Centres for recycling cans | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | |
- The number of Bring Sites for recycling textiles | 22 | 0 | 22 | 1 | |
- The number of Civic Amenity Centres for recycling textiles | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
- The number of Bring Sites for recycling batteries | 75 | incl | 75 | 75 | |
- The number of Civic Amenity Centres for recycling batteries | 1 | incl | 1 | 1 | |
- The number of Bring Sites for recycling oils | 8 | 0 | 8 | 7 | |
- The number of Civic Amenity Centres for recycling oils | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
- The number of Bring Sites for recycling other materials | 9 | 0 | 9 | 17 | |
- The number of Civic Amenity Centres for recycling other materials | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | |
E7: Litter Prevention and Enforcement | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
- Number of full-time litter wardens | 2 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |
- Number of part-time litter wardens | 13 | 0 | 13 | 13 | |
- Number of on-the-spot fines issued | 148 | 89 | 237 | 247 | |
- Number of on-the-spot fines paid | 49 | 23 | 72 | ||
- Number of prosecution cases taken because of non-payment of on-the-spot fines | 12 | 8 | 20 | 28 | |
- Number of prosecutions secured in cases taken because of non-payment of on-the-spot fines | 3 | 0 | 3 | 11 | |
- Number of notices issued (under Sections 9,15,16,17 20 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997) | 0 | 2 | 2 | ||
- Number of prosecutions taken (all prosecutions under the Litter Acts 1997 to 2003) | 30 | 13 | 43 | ||
- Number of prosecutions secured (all prosecutions under the Litter Acts 1997 to 2003) | 14 | 2 | 16 | ||
E8: Environmental Complaints and Enforcement | |||||
- A. Total number of cases subject to complaints concerning environmental pollution (relating to waste, litter, water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution) |
1111 | 134 | 1245 | 1204 | |
- B. Number of complaints investigated | 1111 | 134 | 1245 | 1204 | |
- C. Number of complaints resolved where no further action was necessary | 982 | 133 | 1115 | ||
- D. Number of enforcement procedures taken | 129 | 2 | 131 | 138 | |
E9: Percentage of schools participating in environmental campaigns | |||||
- Total number of primary schools | 78 | incl | 78 | 78 | |
- Number of primary schools participating in environmental campaigns | 53 | incl | 53 | 41 | |
- Total number of secondary schools | 15 | incl | 15 | 16 | |
- Number of secondary schools participating in environmental campaigns | 12 | incl | 12 | 12 | |
F Fire Service (F1 - F3) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
F1: Fire Service Mobilisation | |||||
- A. Average time taken, in minutes, to mobilise fire brigades in Full-Time Stations in respect of fire | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
- B. Average time taken, in minutes, to mobilise fire brigades in Part-Time Stations (retained fire service) in respect of fire | 5min 23 secs | 0 | 5min 23secs | ||
- C. Average time taken, in minutes, to mobilise fire brigades in Full-Time Stations in respect of all opther emergency incidents. | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
- D. Average time taken, in minutes, to mobilise fire brigades in Part-Time Stations (retained fire service) in respect of all other emergency incidents. | 5min 35 secs | 0 | 5min 35secs | ||
F2: Percentage of Attendances at Scenes | |||||
- Total Number of incidents in respect of fire | 385 | 0 | 385 | 422 | |
- Number of cases in respect of fire where first attendance is at the scene within 10 minutes | 187 | 0 | 187 | 176 | |
- Number of cases in respect of fire in which first attendance is at the scene after 10 minutes but within 20 minutes | 155 | 0 | 155 | 190 | |
- Number of cases in respect of fire in which first attendance is at the scene after 20 minutes | 43 | 0 | 43 | 56 | |
- Total Number of incidents in respect of all other emergency incidents (i.e. not including fire) | 551 | 0 | 551 | ||
- Number of cases in respect of all other emergency incidents in which first attendance is at the scene within 10 minutes | 230 | 0 | 230 | ||
- Number of cases in respect of all other emergency incidents in which first attendance is at the scene after 10 minutes but within 20 minutes | 250 | 0 | 250 | ||
- Number of cases in respect of all other emergency incidents in which first attendance is at the scene after 20 minutes | 71 | 0 | 71 | ||
F3: Fire Prevention | |||||
- A. Total Number of fire safety certificate applications received | 190 | 0 | 190 | ||
- B. Total Number of fire safety certificate applications processed (including cases deemed invalid) | 187 | 0 | 187 | ||
- C. Total Number of applications deemed invalid | 9 | 0 | 9 | ||
H: Housing (H1 - H7) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
H1: Housing Vacancies | |||||
- The average number of dwellings in local authority stock | 1397 | 555.5 | 1952.5 | 1770 | |
- The average number of dwellings, excluding those subject to major refurbishment projects | 1397 | 526.75 | 1923.75 | 1677 | |
- The average number of dwellings that are empty (excluding those subject to major refurbishment projects) | 111.75 | 28.5 | 140.25 | 97 | |
- The average number of empty dwellings unavailable for letting | 71.5 | 9.75 | 81.25 | 71 | |
- The average number of empty dwellings available for letting | 40.25 | 13.25 | 53.5 | 22 | |
H2: Average Time Taken to Re-let Available Dwellings | |||||
- The average time taken from the date of vacation of dwelling to the date when all necessary repairs are carried out which are deemed necessary to re-let the dwelling | 23.925 | 88 | 55.96 | ||
- The average time taken from the works (above) being completed to the date of the first rent debit | 7.765 | 10 | 8.88 | ||
H3: Housing Repairs | |||||
- The number of repairs completed | 755 | 217 | 972 | 753 | |
- The number of valid repair requests received | 1141 | 342 | 1483 | 1042 | |
H4: Traveller Accommodation | |||||
- Number of Traveller families accommodated | 4 | 0 | 4 | 7 | |
- Target number of Traveller families to be accommodated in the year, as set out in the local Traveller accommodation programme | 10 | 0 | 10 | 13 | |
H5: Enforcement of standards in private rented sector | |||||
- Total number of registered tenancies | 2419 | 0 | 2419 | ||
- Number of dwelling units inspected | 60 | 0 | 60 | ||
- Number of inspections carried out | 63 | 0 | 63 | ||
H6: Grants to adapt housing for the needs of people with a disability | |||||
- A. Average time taken (in weeks) to process applications under the Mobility Aids Grant Scheme, including any necessary inspection(s), from the date of receipt of a valid application to the date of decision on the application. | 22.33 | 0 | 22.33 | ||
- B. Average time taken (in weeks) to process applications under Housing Adaption grant for People with a Disability, including any necessary inspection(s), from the date of receipt of a valid application, to the date of decision on the application. | 22.15 | 0 | 22.15 | ||
H7: Pre-Tenancy Familiarisation Courses | |||||
- Total number of new local authority tenants | 366 | 26 | 392 | ||
- Number of new local authority tenants who have been offered pre-tenancy familiarisation courses | 366 | 26 | 392 | ||
L: Library Services (L1 - L4) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
L1: Library Public Opening Hours | |||||
- Average number of opening hours per week for full-time libraries | 35.8 | 35.8 | 35.5 | ||
- Average number of opening hours per week for part-time libraries (where applicable) | 24.1 | 24.1 | 25.6 | ||
- Number of full-time libraries that have lunchtime openings | 4 | 4 | |||
- Number of full-time libraries that have evening openings | 4 | 4 | |||
- Number of full-time libraries that have Saturday openings | 4 | 4 | |||
L2: Library Visits | |||||
- Total number of visits to full-time libraries | 137500 | 137500 | |||
L3: Library Stock | |||||
- Annual expenditure on stock | 250000 | 250000 | |||
- Total number of books issued | 306671 | 306671 | 295337 | ||
- Total number of other items issued | 30895 | 30895 | 26638 | ||
L4: Internet Access through Libraries | |||||
- Total number of Internet sessions provided | 24316 | 24316 | 31364 | ||
M: Motor Taxation (M1 - M4) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
M1 Number of Motor Tax Transactions | |||||
- A. Number of motor tax transactions which are dealt with over the counter | 68021 | 68021 | 75873 | ||
- B. Number of motor tax transactions which are dealt with by post | 16210 | 16210 | 20096 | ||
- C. Number of motor tax transactions which are dealt with in other ways (e.g. online, by telephone) | VRU/LGCSB input | ||||
- D. Percentage of motor tax transactions which are dealt with over the counter | VRU/LGCSB input | ||||
- E. Percentage of motor tax transactions which are dealt with by post | VRU/LGCSB input | ||||
- F. Percentage of motor tax transactions which are dealt with in other ways (e.g. online, by telephone) | VRU/LGCSB input | ||||
M2 Time Taken to Process Motor Tax Postal Applications | |||||
- A. Number of postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) on the same day as receipt of the application. |
6126 | 6126 | 7040 | ||
- B.. Number of postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) on the second or third day from receipt of the application. |
8828 | 8828 | 9643 | ||
- C. Number of postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) on the fourth or fifth day from receipt of the application. |
832 | 832 | 1859 | ||
- D. Number of postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) in over five days from receipt of the application. |
424 | 424 | 1554 | ||
- E. Percentage of overall postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) on the same day as receipt of the application. |
37.79 | 37.79 | 35.4 | ||
- F. Percentage of overall postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) on the second or third day from receipt of the application. |
54.46 | 54.46 | 47.98 | ||
- G. Percentage of overall postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) on the fourth or fifth day from receipt of the application. |
5.13 | 5.13 | 9.25 | ||
- H. Percentage of overall postal applications which are dealt with (i.e. disc issued) in over five days from receipt of the application. |
2.62 | 2.62 | 7.73 | ||
M3 Time Taken to Process Driving Licence Applications | |||||
- A. Number of Driving Licence applications which are dealt with on the same day as receipt of the application | 2948 | 29.48 | |||
- B. Number of Driving Licence applications which are dealt with on the second or third day from receipt of the application |
4276 | 4276 | |||
- C. Number of Driving Licence applications which are dealt with on the fourth or fifth day from receipt of the application |
2652 | 2652 | |||
- D. Number of Driving Licence applications which are dealt with in over five days from receipt of the application | 4679 | 4679 | |||
- E. Percentage of overall Driving Licence applications which are dealt with on the same day as receipt of the application. |
20.25 | 20.25 | |||
- F. Percentage of overall Driving Licence applications which are dealt with on the second or third day from receipt of the application. |
29.38 | 29.38 | |||
- G. Percentage of overall Driving Licence applications which are dealt with on the fourth or fifth day from receipt of the application. | 18.22 | 18.22 | |||
- H. Percentage of overall Driving Licence applications which are dealt with in over five days from receipt of the application. |
32.15 | 32.15 | |||
M4 Public opening hours | |||||
- Average number of opening hours per week | 34.16 | 34.16 | 34.16 | ||
P: Planning and Building Control (P1 - P6) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
P.1 Planning Applications - Decision-Making | |||||
Individual Houses | |||||
- Number of applications decided | 632 | 649 | 804 | ||
- Number of decisions which were decided within 8 weeks | 336 | 346 | 440 | ||
- Number of decisions which required the submission of further information | 296 | 303 | 364 | ||
- Number of decisions where an extension of time was agreed to by the applicant under section 34(9) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 |
0 | 0 | 0 | ||
- Average length of time taken (in days) to decide an application where further information was sought | 77.17 | 77.13 | 79 | ||
- Number of applications granted | 397 | 414 | |||
- Number of applications refused | 235 | 235 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was confirmed with or without variations, by An Brd Pleanala | 6 | 7 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was reversed by An Brd Pleanala | 5 | 5 | |||
New Housing Development | |||||
- Number of applications decided | 61 | 63 | 86 | ||
- Number of decisions which were decided within 8 weeks | 25 | 26 | 51 | ||
- Number of decisions which required the submission of further information | 36 | 37 | 35 | ||
- Number of decisions where an extension of time was agreed to by the applicant under section 34(9) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
- Average length of time taken (in days) to decide an application where further information was sought | 79.44 | 79.5 | 80 | ||
- Number of applications granted | 40 | 42 | |||
- Number of applications refused | 21 | 21 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was confirmed with or without variations, by An Brd Pleanala | 2 | 3 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was reversed by An Brd Pleanala | 4 | 5 | |||
Other: Not requiring EIA | |||||
- Number of applications decided | 779 | 881 | 1392 | ||
- Number of decisions which were decided within 8 weeks | 531 | 596 | 1090 | ||
- Number of decisions which required the submission of further information | 247 | 284 | 298 | ||
- Number of decisions where an extension of time was agreed to by the applicant under section 34(9) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 | 1 | 1 | 4 | ||
- Average length of time taken (in days) to decide an application where further information was sought | 78.37 | 78.35 | 79 | ||
- Number of applications granted | 708 | 793 | |||
- Number of applications refused | 71 | 88 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was confirmed with or without variations, by An Brd Pleanala | 27 | 37 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was reversed by An Brd Pleanala | 12 | 14 | |||
Other: Requiring EIA | |||||
- Number of applications decided | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||
- Number of decisions which were decided within 8 weeks | 0 | 0 | 1 | ||
- Number of decisions which required the submission of further information | 2 | 3 | 3 | ||
- Number of decisions where an extension of time was agreed to by the applicant under section 34(9) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
- Average length of time taken (in days) to decide an application where further information was sought | 104.5 | 97.33 | 107 | ||
- Number of applications granted | 2 | 3 | |||
- Number of applications refused | 0 | 0 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was confirmed with or without variations, by An Brd Pleanala | 0 | 1 | |||
- Number of cases where the decision was reversed by An Brd Pleanala | 1 | 1 | |||
P.2 Planning Enforcement | |||||
- A. Total number of cases subject to complaints that were investigated | 229 | 291 | 223 | ||
- B. Total number of cases subject to complaints that were dismissed | 0 | 0 | 1 | ||
- C. Total number of cases subject to complaints that were resolved through negotiations | 55 | 85 | 44 | ||
- D. Number of enforcement procedures taken through warning letters | 110 | 142 | 103 | ||
- E. Number enforcement procedures taken through enforcement notices | 84 | 102 | 96 | ||
- F. Number of prosecutions | 10 | 14 | 12 | ||
P.3 Planning Public Opening Hours | |||||
- Average number of opening hours per week | 35 | 35 | 37.5 | ||
P.4 Pre-Planning Consultation - number of pre-planning consultation meetings held |
- A. Number of pre-planning consultation meetings held | 1058 | 1058 | 1653 | ||
- B. Average length of time from request for consultation with the local authority to actual formal meeting for pre planning consultation | 10.8 | 10.8 | 17 | ||
P.5 New Buildings Inspected | 13.74 | ||||
- Total number of new buildings notified to the local authority | 541 | 541 | 1604 | ||
- Number of new buildings notified to the local authority that were inspected. | 91 | 91 | 327 | ||
P.6 Taking Estates in Charge | |||||
- Number of residential estates for which the planning permission has expired, in respect of which formal written requests for taking in charge (from residents or developers), were on hands at the beginning of the year. | 34 | 11 | 45 | ||
- Number of estates that were taken in charge in the year in question. | 26 | 0 | 26 | ||
- Total number of dwellings in these estates | 1283 | 0 | 1283 | ||
- Number of estates in Column A not completed to the satisfaction of the planning authority in line with the planning permission | 0 | 9 | 1 | ||
- Number of estates in Column D in respect of which enforcement action was taken in the year in question and / or the bond was called in. | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
- Number of estates in Column D in respect of which works were undertaken by the authority to bring the estate to taking in charge standard. | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Rec: Recreational Services (Rec1 - Rec2) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
Rec1: Children's Playgrounds | |||||
- Number of children's playgrounds directly provided by the local authority | 12 | 1 | 15 | 8 | |
- Number of children's playgrounds facilitated by the local authority | 4 | 2 | 5 | 4 | |
Rec2: Local Authority-Facilitated Leisure Facilities | |||||
- Number of visitors to local authority-facilitated leisure facilities | 0 | 129320 | 129320 | ||
Rev: Revenue Collection (Rev1 - Rev5) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
Rev1 House Rent | |||||
- Amount due at year end from House Rent | 4127504 | 1561776 | 5689280 | 589314 | |
- Amount collected at year end from House Rent | 3692425 | 1432445 | 5124870 | 4698662 | |
- Number of arrears on Housing Rent that are 4-6 weeks old | 74 | 40 | 114 | ||
- Number of arrears on Housing Rent that are 6-12 weeks old | 131 | 26 | 157 | ||
- Number of arrears on Housing Rent that are more than 12 weeks old | 262 | 75 | 337 | ||
Rev2 Housing Loans | |||||
- Amount due at year end from House Loans | 2873787 | 155554 | 3029341 | 399322 | |
- Amount collected at year end from Housing Loans | 2426675 | 142468 | 2569143 | 2749049 | |
- Number of arrears on Housing Loans that are 1 month old | 14 | 12 | 26 | ||
- Number of arrears on Housing Loans that are 2-3 month old | 24 | 7 | 31 | ||
- Number of arrears on Housing Loans that are 3 months old | 460 | 36 | 520 | ||
Rev3 Commercial Rates | |||||
- Amount collected at year end as a percentage of amount due from Commercial Rates | 97 | 93 | 190 | 98 | |
Rev4 Refuse Charges | |||||
- Percentage of households paying refuse charges (including waivers) at year end | 0 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Rev5 Non-Domestic Water Charges | |||||
- Amount collected at year end as a percentage of amount due for Non-Domestic Water Charges | 49 | 1 | 50 | 60 | |
R: Roads (R1) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
R1: Road Restoration Programme | |||||
- A. The Number of kilometers of local and regional roads improved and maintained under the Restoration Programme per annum. |
210.967Km | 210.96 | |||
- B. The Number of kilometers of local and regional roads constructed under the specific improvements grants scheme per annum. |
0.90Km | 0.9 | |||
Energy Awareness (EN1) | KCC | KBC | 2008 | 2007 | |
EN1: Energy use in local authority offices |